You may wonder how to do your metadata if you've digitized analog film or art through scanning or other means.
Creation Date
IM extracts the "creation date" from the digital file when you upload content into Image Manager. Unless you've taken steps to change it on your computer, this will likely be the date you scanned or digitized the file.
You should update this date to reflect the date you created the piece (e.g. took a film photo or completed a painting), not the date you digitized it. If you don't remember the exact date, an approximation is acceptable.
We suggest changing the creation date in your file management software--it will help you keep your library organized, and you won't need to adjust anything when you upload your content to Stocksy.
Vintage Photos & Clips
For vintage photo and video scans, the creation date in Image Manager should be the date the photo or clip was created, and this should also be the creation date on any model or property releases.
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