As you know, we automatically pay contributors all balances of $100 or more during each month’s payment cycle.
If you cannot receive your payment, you can switch your Payment Method to “Hold Payment.”
What happens to my account balance if I use the Hold Payment option?
Your royalties will continue to accumulate in your account balance. We will not send your earnings until you select a payment method.
What do I need to do if I can receive a payment again?
Head back into your account to update your Payment Settings and select the service you would like to use going forward. Double-check that you are using the correct email address associated with the digital services.
After I add a payment option again, when can I expect the funds?
Once you continue payments, you will receive your complete outstanding balance during the following standard payment cycle.
How long can Stocksy hold my payment?
Hold payment is intended to be temporary. If you need us to hold your payment for longer than six months, please get in touch with Support.
Am I able to receive partial payments of my balance that is on hold?
Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate partial payment requests. Once you remove the hold payment option, we will pay out your entire outstanding balance during the next standard payment cycle.
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