Some contributors team up with their fellow Stocksy contributors for specific projects. In this case, you would share a session, location, models, or props, but each create your own content and upload it to your own account. This can be a great way to split production costs and drive more traffic to both of your portfolios.
There are a few best practices to consider:
- We don’t recommend sharing a session with non-Stocksy United members. If they license their work elsewhere, you will be in violation of our Exclusivity Policy–even if you’re creating different content types (e.g. one person creating stills and the other creating video clips).
- You should plan carefully to ensure you’re not capturing the same images or clips. Our clients love to see the same scene from two unique perspectives or entirely different scenarios using the same models or locations, but we don’t need two identical sessions in our collection.
- You can connect your work by creating a client gallery and sharing it.
Can we start a new Stocksy portfolio for our joint project?
No. If a member has two accounts, they own two shares (one individually, one jointly) and have two potential votes in co-op matters. This is not aligned with Stocksy’s understanding of the co-op principle of one member = one vote.
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