All film scans should be done to professional standards. Professional lab scans are preferred, but home scanning methods are acceptable if done with proficiency. Scan or photograph your film at the highest possible optical resolution (avoid any resolution that says "interpolated"). The scan should be sharp from corner to corner, and you may need to edit the scans afterwards to remove scratches, hairs or dust visible at 100%.
When ordering lab scans, choose the highest possible resolutions for uploading to Stocksy to maximize your earning potential.
We recommend scanning 8mm, Super8, and 16mm at 2K, 4KUHD or 4K resolutions to maximize value potential.
When scanning, match the frame rate initially set in the camera and opt for an Apple ProRes 4444 codec.
You can also opt for a full aperture overscan, which includes everything on the negative, including the gate edge and black bars (left/right).
For 8mm, that will include the film perforation:
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