Yes, we do. To keep our collection fresh, relevant, and up-to-date, we regularly remove content that doesn't meet today's standards.
Why does Stocksy remove content?
There are several reasons we may choose to remove content from our collection:
- If content hasn't been saved or purchased for several years, especially if it frequently appears in searches, it may be a candidate for removal. We believe in giving everyone's work a fair chance to sell, but we also need to ensure that our collection remains easy for clients to navigate. Content that no longer resonates with our clients can clutter the search results and detract from their experience.
- Technology or styling can quickly become irrelevant in fast-moving industries. Even if the content is otherwise excellent, outdated tech or styling can create a negative client experience.
- As our collection evolves, so do our quality standards. Content that no longer meets our current visual appeal, storytelling, technical, or relevance standards may be removed to improve the client experience.
How do you decide what to remove?
All removals are informed by data and carefully reviewed by a human curator. We prioritize removing content based on a combination of factors, including its age, how recently clients have shown interest, and its impact on the search and discovery experience.
We always ensure that content is easily discoverable in search results and that there are no signs clients are actively considering a purchase. If your content still meets today's standards but we think you could improve your metadata or post-processing, we'll send it back with a note inviting you to resubmit the file.
What happens to removed content?
When we remove content, it's no longer available to view or purchase on Stocksy. You'll see removed content in your declines folder or your daily email. We encourage you to take this as an opportunity to create new work based on our latest creative briefs! Keeping our collection fresh benefits your portfolio and helps us retain clients who value high-quality, up-to-date content.
Can you give me a heads-up?
Unfortunately, no, but you can proactively review your portfolio by exploring IM filters, like:
- Oldest / Never Purchased
- Purchased / Recent Sales (scroll down to see what stopped selling)
Why don't you remove all content at the same time?
If some content is left published, it's because clients have purchased, saved, or interacted with those assets more recently than others, or we want to give them a longer chance in the market. Sometimes, a tighter edit on a series can improve its overall performance by reducing decision fatigue.
You can remove the whole series if that is your preference.
What if I disagree?
We send a standardized note for efficiency, but we invite anyone affected to reach out if they have questions, want more specific feedback, or disagree with the deactivation.
We understand that content removal can be disappointing, but it's necessary to keep our collection vibrant and relevant. By clearing out older or underperforming content, we ensure our clients can find what they're looking for and that your best work gets the attention it deserves.
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